Playground Revelations
Psalm 143:10
One of my childhood joys was going to the playground. The Swings,
See-Saw and Slides were my favorites.
These activities are based on momentum, and they are like life since they take us from high and low points. There is a force that has to propel the person in the Swing from a lower point to a higher point. This takes effort when always done alone. Jesus left His Holy Spirit with us, to stand beside and empower us. When we make an effort to swing in the direction according to God’s will, then He will provide the strength for us to maintain the momentum when we grow weary. (Phil 4:13)
The See-Saw also goes up and down, but balance is needed. A child on one end of the See-Saw goes up by the force applied by the other child, who has his or her feet planted on the ground. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says, “…two are better than one…” In these days of see-sawing issues, when one of us is down, those who are able can help the other up - whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
Finally, the Slide. The child climbs the steps to the top alone, with a goal to slide down against friction to reach the ground. When life’s friction is preventing us from reaching our goals as fast as we would like, is it because we are choosing the wrong path? Is the Spirit of God slowing us down because it is not in His timing? Sometimes His grace and mercy places us on a type of Water Slide preparing us for a smoother and faster arrival. God’s Word and prayer keeps us grounded and balanced, and His Spirit surrounds us to comfort us when we slide off the path.
-Vivianne Griffiths